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Why Mindset and Motherhood?

'A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

I spent much of my life trying to become a master of craft in one thing, Volleyball. Sure, there were other things along the way, school, relationships, hobbies, etc., but I was laser-focused on mastering volleyball. It was my top priority, and it served me well. I played collegiately at Penn State University and professionally in several foreign countries, winning a total of six championships along the way. I was able to represent Team USA for six years, winning World Champions in 2014 and bringing home a Bronze medal at the Rio Olympic games in 2016. It was an amazing run, and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to compete at a high level for so many years. I sacrificed a lot along the way, family time, relationships, a career outside of volleyball, continuing education, etc. Looking back, I also mastered how to be singularly focused, and I became quite skilled at it.

Fast forward to NOW.

Currently, I’m juggling a couple of different jobs. Being a wife and mother, starting a new career as a mindset coach, and most recently returning to play professionally after a six-year hiatus. I honestly love all of these jobs, and while it feels really chaotic at times, I am grateful that I get to bring many of my passions together.

So, I’m attempting to be a jack of all trades. On any given day, I’m a teacher, chef, cleaner, organizer, listener, student, coach, disciplinarian, storyteller, car DJ, partner, and friend. Some of these fit more squarely in my wheelhouse than others, but embracing my role for those surrounding me is an essential part of my journey. It certainly feels like I will never master any of these trades, nor is that my expectation. However, I’m better now than I was a year ago, and I appreciate the small wins and incremental growth.

“Nobody does it alone. It is through our relationships that we become.” - Dr. Micheal Gervais

Just like going to a gym with a friend or taking a walk with your kids or pets, it is much easier to develop habits or change our routines if we do it with someone else. There’s an old African proverb that states: if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Finding a community where it's safe to be vulnerable, where nothing has to be perfect, and where there's ample space for accountability in the work that we are doing is why I started writing this blog. Many of us are doing our best to be the best versions of ourselves, but sometimes it's helpful to hear stories and insights from others like you. I value authenticity and community in an era where social media has created a divide from reality, and I hope we can all create something real and purposeful.

What’s something you’ve worked on in the past that you’re better at? Or even something you’re working on now and you can feel yourself making progress? Comment below, I can’t wait to hear!

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Motherhood is perfect


18 août 2022

Being present in the moments with my family. There are very busy seasons in my life and I tend to let them pull me away from my family too easily. I've learned to say no to outside distractions, but I could definitely be better.

Alisha Childress
Alisha Childress
27 août 2022
En réponse à

Thanks for sharing! I am working on this too, it's so easy to miss moments with the family when I'm distracted. I'm working on being more aware, so that I notice when I get distracted, giving myself grace that I did get distracted, and then I pull myself back into the present moment! Learning to say no to outside distractions is tough, good for you for working on that!


18 août 2022

Becoming a mother, after having a traumatic childhood that taught me to NOT want to be a mother. Being responsible for someone else when I spent my whole adulthood only want to to be responsible for myself. And doing this within a community that also suffers highly from generational trauma so the lateral violence is high and it’s hard to be successful or proud of those accomplishments within said community.

Alisha Childress
Alisha Childress
27 août 2022
En réponse à

Angi! What a share, thank you for showing up here and laying it all out there, you're a vulnerability leader! We can build our own community and love each other up for our accomplishments right here. You're leading the way, thank you!

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